Incentive Finale

Top performers of this company trip were invited to the Big Island in Hawaii for an extended weekend getaway to celebrate one of the biggest sporting events of the year: the Super Bowl. Local culture, dining, and magnificent ocean views made this an engaging and memorable event.
Client Industry

Manufacturing and Distributing

Event Type

Incentive Trip


Big Island, HI

The Goal

This client hosts their annual rewards trip in Hawaii but rotates islands and resorts. The aftermath of COVID-19 created new challenges with accommodating testing, masks, and 300 guests in one location. The client had concerns about the safety and optics of this program. They needed not only program planning assistance but peace of mind and careful expertise.

The Achievement

AMI’s expertise and experience created a successful incentive program in Hawaii. Our team worked with the hotel and destination experts to execute this event with plenty of outdoor space. We organized entertainment, screens for viewing, local cuisine, and fun décor to craft a fun and memorable event where happy employees could cheer for their favorite teams.

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Finale featured - Andavo Meetings & Incentives